Stand Out Your Song

Stand Out Your Song


Learn how to shape your song delivery from “nice”, to the audience being utterly transfixed with what you do.

  • Create your unique, audience-pleasing and memorable version of a song - even if the song is hugely popular and already successfully recorded by many other artists.

  • Learn how to sing your best version every time - even if incredibly nervous and/or under studio pressure to produce the final version with minimal takes.

  • Know your audience will rave about what you do - even if they’ve never heard of either you or the song before.

  • Get an established system that works around your artistry to call upon again and again for crafting further songs in the future.

Who is it for

☑️ Singers who feel like they’re just a copycat.

☑️ Singers basically happy with their technique but dissatisfied how they’re using it in song.

☑️ Singers finding it hard to make a recording they’re happy with.

☑️ Singers knowing there is something special inside but stuck on drawing it out.

☑️ Singers who never sound as good as they could when it matters.

☑️ Singers recording an EP/album and dissatisfied with the vocal performance.

☑️ Singers struggling to connect with a live audience.

☑️ Singers anxious about an upcoming important audition, open mic or solo performance.

Who is it not for

❌ Beginners.

❌ Singers not interested in going deeper into their artistic intention and exploring the possibilities of their voice.

❌ Singers wanting to copy the song interpretation and style of another singer. i.e. recreate what already exists because it thrills you. (Nothing wrong with this! It’s just the wrong kind of help - try a 121 singing lesson instead).

❌ Singers needing significant help with their vocal technique. Certain aspects of vocal training can take a while. For now, you might be better off having some straightforward vocal training instead.*

How it works

Part 1: Your Song Story

💬 1x online exploration session (121)

📓 Bespoke Artistic Song Storyboard

With your chosen song, we explore what you want to say with the material. How it aligns with your artistic brand. How it sits in your set or album design. How you hope to create meaning for yourself and your art. How you want your audience to feel. How you like to communicate. Energy levels. How it feeds into your future. Together we create a song storyboard to work from.

Part 2: Artistic Vision

🎧 Draft recordings

🎶 Skills gap 121 sessions

We craft your vision for the song considering vocal delivery - style, technique; song shape - energy, pace, groove, dynamic; instrumentation and production. You create a draft recorded version and we review it until you have settled on the final version. We work together on any short-term* skills gap - technical skills, interpretation and energy.

‼️ critical note: the aim is not to limit future incredible spontaneous performances - particularly if when singing live the magic is found in a different way. This type of skill can take a while to evolve. The aim is to give you an assured definite high standard version, a truthful emotional version - base camp if you like - which you know you can bounce off regardless of occasion.

Part 3: Peak Performance Delivery

🎤 5-10 practice performance possibilities sourced

🎥 Live performance review (5-10 as needed)

Once decided we work on you delivering a consistent high level delivery no matter how pressured the gig or session. We find 5-10 possibilities for you to deliver - working around your confidence and comfort levels. We watch the live recordings back and reevaluate the results, what could be tweaked, what could be built on, what has impact and meaning. We pay attention to any small detail that could be the dividing line between average and memorable.

By the end, you should have a personal interpretation that aligns with your artistic integrity and direction, and one that you back yourself with full confidence and conviction in delivery.

Bonus 1 (optional) - Lead sheet arrangement

🎼 1 x handwritten or notation chart as preferred.

Good enough to take out on a gig with a band - bass, drums, guitar, piano. Or, if you work with tracks, the lead sheet and final rough recording should be enough for a producer to interpret your vision.

Bonus 2 (optional) Personalised Artistic Brand Song Framework


From observation through the sessions, a personalised framework of your artistic process to craft other songs to a similar level independently in the future.

How long it takes

Works around your schedule, any deadlines and how you like to process information. Could be an intense few days or spread out over a period of time.


We will not finish until the ultimate version is made. But! You must put the work in. Like any personal training - fitness, learning a skill - no one else can sing it for you!

Your aesthetic

Your aesthetic is what’s important here. There will come a point where you are happy with what you have made. It’s my job to push you a little further, but essentially it’s your choice where you take it. What I ‘like’ may be helpful to know, but ultimately irrelevant.

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