The Magnificent Singer
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Become fearless at the piano



— 30-Day Coach & Accompany Fast Track

  • Pop and Musical Theatre song accompaniment

  • Vocal Warm-up patterns

  • Melody line reading and song transposition

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For Professional Singing Teachers and Vocal Coaches who are

  • growing their career and teaching business

  • feeling held back by their piano playing when teaching 121 lessons, workshops, masterclasses, vocal ensembles and choirs

  • frustrated at not being able to deliver the high-level quality singing teaching they are capable of

  • wanting a swift and efficient way to gain the SPECIFIC piano skillset relevant ONLY for teaching singing

  • so they can use the piano to teach singing with musicality, creativity and style

  • and expertly support their students, build authority and confidently expand their career and business

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“Your piano for singers course was so amazing. I can now play fairly skilful piano from zero (or one fingered synth) and I use your skills every day. You are such a naturally great teacher too.”

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Go from:

  • clumsy, stop-start plonking away at the piano with massive gaps in chord knowledge

  • frustrated at not being able to coach fully at the level of your singing expertise

  • that ‘ugh’ feeling at the end of a singing class when it didn’t go as well as hoped

  • feeling unconfident with using the piano to lead a vocal warm-up

  • wanting to tailor singing exercises to student, but no idea how

  • having to spend weeks practising up just ONE song accompaniment

  • having to rely heavily on YouTube or tracks to teach

  • lost when looking at a song chart

  • wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night anxious with the pressure of the next day’s class

  • no idea how to accompany your student, vocal ensemble or choir to make the song - and them! - sound beautifully musical

  • avoiding job applications, choir director jobs or other career opportunities with “piano” as a requirement

  • constantly doubting yourself at the piano and letting others play for you

  • feeling limited when you teach and wanting to offer a higher-level service but perplexed on how to cross the divide

  • holding back from putting yourself out there with confidence and showing the special things you can do

  • not taking full advantage of opportunities to grow your singing career and expand your singing studio and business



  • confidently using the piano to lead vocal warms ups for 121 lessons or singing groups without being distracted by finding notes and second-guessing keys.

  • effortlessly using the piano to accompany pop and musical theatre style repertoire

  • be able to play on the spot musical and stylistically appropriate song accompaniment from sheet music given to you on the day

  • draw out of your students a higher level of musical excellence in their singing which thrill them no end, help them sing confidently and for which they will associate that experience with you.

  • build rapport and trust with your singing students through shared music making

  • having a range of playing patterns to give a genuine musical accompaniment and help your students bring out the song story

  • having the authority at the piano to handle a range of ages and abilities in your teaching

  • being able to support your students through sight singing

  • having vocal technique exercise shapes under your fingers in all keys

  • key changes a breeze

  • being able to easily access pianistic shifts to bring out dynamics, intensity and shape. In other words: lose the plonky, 2-dimensional piano.

  • be able to fearlessly accompany your students or choir in rehearsals and concerts

  • figure out a simple top line melody to teach to your 121 students or choir

  • inspire your students and singing groups to engage in a musical and convincing way

  • lead rehearsals and direct choirs from the piano with authority and

  • play and create bespoke vocal warm-up exercises tailored to their student

  • use the piano to help students match pitch

  • write vocal harmony lines and personalised pop and musical theatre type song arrangements


So you can:

☑️ Legitimately include piano on your CV and job applications

☑️ Inspire, energise and motivate your students in classes and rehearsals

☑️ Use the piano to market your teaching studio and business through performing at local events

☑️ Use the piano to showcase your teaching style and uniqueness in social media marketing campaigns

☑️ Give your students the genuinely life-changing powerful musical experience and the I-can-actually-do-this! evidence necessary for self-belief which they forever associate with you - so they return for more and happily refer you to others

☑️ Magnetically attract interesting insider opportunities in your field with little effort

☑️ Lead and rehearse singing groups by yourself without needing the backup of another or having to hire in

☑️ Establish a high level of service in your teaching studio

☑️ Be seen as a versatile, skilled and irreplaceable addition to a music department

☑️ Be bolder and more imaginative in creating compelling standout shows, concerts and events in your teaching niche

☑️ Ultimately have the scope to command a higher fee or utilise a sliding scale fee

☑️ Get a deep and personal pleasure from playing the piano for your own singing


Song Intro - lyrical style with pedal

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How is this different from Piano lessons?

Every Singing Teacher and Vocal Coach I know is super busy!

And, quite likely, piano is NOT top of the list of priorities.

Your teaching studio and business will be more important to you.

And quite likely YOUR singing career too…

Piano for Singing Teachers’ is ONLY about the stuff you need to teach.

Piano lessons are magnificent, but the focus is different and can take us in a direction that is mostly helpful, but ultimately doesn’t address the true needs of a Singing Teacher, Vocal Coach or Choir Director.

So, yes to quality and depth.

But, no to the unnecessary stuff (we won’t be learning Jingle Bells!).

We’re about getting it done so you can get on with your singing goals and life.


“A course that is long, boring, and full of unnecessary stuff you don’t need - is not a success!“


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How it works

① Register interest HERE>

② Receive personalised feedback

③ Sign up (if a good fit)

④ Schedule first session - we go deeper into your needs

⑤ I send a Plan Checklist

⑥ We keep going until it’s achieved!

🎹 121 short course

🎹 Relaxed, friendly delivery

🎹 No deadlines or pressure - we work to your schedule

🎹 Results based course, rather than a set number of sessions

🎹 Live online and/or WhatsApp video exchange

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“Brilliant! I can see where this is going… it’s exactly what I need!”


“Thank you for taking the time to understand where I’m at”


“I’m loving it! Already sounds so much better than how I usually play - my students are getting a better deal”


“If I’m honest I don’t love playing the piano - I’d much rather be singing - but I hate not being able to play for my students. This is the third time I’ve tried piano lessons but I’ve got so much further in this course than the others. I might actually make it this time ”


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30-Day Coach & Accompany Fast Track

🎹 #1

Posture & Position for Teaching Singing

🎹 #2

Go-to Chord Voicings for Teaching Singing

🎹 #3

Getting a Pianistic Touch with Micro-practice

🎹 #4

Triad Training ① - the core 24, chord reading familiarity

🎹 #5

Rhythmic Patterns ① - lyrical song style

🎹 #6

The Pedal

🎹 #7

Triad Training ② - playing the piano to support the voice and make your student sound great when teaching singing

🎹 #8

Getting an Authentic Pop Ballad Sound

🎹 #9

Rhythmic Patterns ② - pop ballad style

🎹 #10

Non-Clunky Chord Changes

🎹 #11

Triad Training ③ - keeping going

🎹 #12

Getting an Authentic Rock Straight 8 Sound

🎹 #13

Rhythmic Patterns ③ - driving Rock Straight 8 Style

🎹 #14

7th Chords - options for voicings

🎹 #15

Triad Training ④ - orchestra & Rubato rhythmic options

🎹 #16

Rhythmic Patterns ④ - cinematic torch song

🎹 #17

Triad Training ⑤ - locking in, creating flow

🎹 #18

Sheet Music Navigation - 2-Minute Checklist

🎹 #19

Professional Song Accompaniment Framework - shaping the song to singer

🎹 #20

Professional Song Accompaniment Techniques - bringing in the singer, managing performer confidence

🎹 #21

Professional Song Accompaniment Techniques - embellishments

🎹 #22

Professional Song Accompaniment Techniques - supporting their song interpretation & phrasing

🎹 #23

Professional Song Accompaniment Techniques - leading the singer, drawing out a powerful song delivery to be proud of

🎹 #24

Figuring out The Melody Lines for Teaching Singing Cheatsheet

🎹 #25

No-think Song Transposition ① - chords

🎹 #26

No-think Song Transposition ② - melody lines

🎹 #27

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises - day-to-day patterns (all keys)

🎹 #28

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises - 1.5 scale pattern (all keys)

🎹 #29

Vocal Warm-Up Exercises - advanced patterns (all keys)

🎹 #30

Directing Rehearsals From the Piano


#Singing Career Niche with Your Piano + Where Next?

#Teaching Studio Specialism 1-page Summary

#Micro-Practice Techniques - Bank of practical ideas for fitting in piano practice to an already busy schedule.

#Song Bank - Case study breakdown of pop and musical theatre song accompaniment


Who is PIANO for SINGING Teachers for?

Answer these 4 questions to double-check PIANO for SINGING Teachers is a good fit for YOU*

☑ Are you an established singer?

—This course will not teach you to sing!

☑ Are you teaching singing or seriously considering starting?

—you could be running or setting up a singing teaching studio, have a corporate business involving singing, applying for singing teaching jobs, teaching singing in a school or Saturday Music Centre, directing a choir or vocal group.

☑ Do you have regular access to a piano or keyboard?

It doesn’t need to be fancy.

☑ Are you happy to learn 121 online or via video exchange

*there are no refunds - be certain before signing up! You can always email if you have more questions.


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Meet Your Teacher

First Lecturer in Music Post aged 22. I taught for 25+ years in London including Visiting Lecturer - Westminster University (10 + years), Head of Vocals -London Centre of Contemporary Music (16+ years), Director of BRIT KIDS -The BRIT School (Maternity cover). Recorder aside, my first instrument was ‘Cello. Classical music, orchestra and choir was part of my upbringing via my Choral Mistress Mother. I don’t remember learning to read music, singing and the piano was always part of what we all did. I took a tangent and studied jazz at Leeds Conservatoire (as it is now). In my ‘30’s I clicked with singing and playing the piano together. It’s double the workload to do it well, but I love it. I still perform as a Singer-Pianist professionally. Through transitioning to Jazz, latin and commercial styles I understand the tortuous confusion of transforming from a notation reading, melody orientated musician, to a groove, chord, playing by ear musician. (This took me a while). Along the way I have taught many, many singing lessons using the piano. From children’s singing groups, choirs, a cappella groups, vocal ensembles and countless 121 lessons. These days it tends to be Professionals, adults doing it for pleasure, and Artists finding their signature singing style. But I understand exactly what you’re going through - because I’ve ploughed through it myself. Piano for Singing Teachers aims to make it easier!

—Elizabeth Tillotson

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  • Pianists - even excellent ones - don't fully understand the singing voice, and the delicate business of drawing out a confident result from a student. I have trained, taught and performed for many years in both the piano and singing. And by "trained" I mean: technique, style, repertoire, improvisation and teaching methodology. Getting to a high standard on both instruments took a while. I most certainly have gaps, but I DO understand piano and singing together, and how one can support the other.

  • The current fee is £225 for the Singing Teachers' Package and £350 for the Singing Teacher-Director Package.

  • It's flexible, depending on your schedule and starting point. If you have a deadline or want to get it done ASAP you could probably finish in 4-6 weeks. You can spread it out over a few months if you like to take your time.

  • I take all my courses through an intensive testing period, usually 121. The testing period lasts until it's been tested enough times (which is the slightly annoying answer). When it's good, it's good! As of September 2024 I am testing the ideas that came out of the previous round of testers. We are still in 121 mode. When finished the course will then exist in another form at a higher fee.

  • Order, efficiency and pleasure. In other words: does it make sense? Is there enough? Is there too much? Does the order of the lessons help or hinder? Is it fun? (Very important).

  • TESTER Packages go by result rather than number of sessions. After signing up we have a discovery session and explore what would be truly amazing for your current situation. We agree on a plan and work from there.

  • A keyboard is fine - it doesn’t need to be fancy. Weighted, full-size keys are preferable but it's not a disaster if you're working with a basic keyboard.

  • If you're serious, the best thing to do is email expressing your interest and give a time frame. I usually honour the tester offer while it's still alive.

  • Bring it on. Contact:

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Singing Teacher (ROUND 1)

☑️ 121, Online - Zoom, WhatsApp video exchange or a smart combination of both

☑️ 60-minute sessions -to agreed result

☑️ Flexible schedule - book in when ready

☑️ Relaxed and friendly learning style

☑️ Rhythmic Patterns - pop ballad, driving Straight 8, Lyrical Song, Cinematic

☑️ Piano Technique, Sustain Pedal

☑️ Chords & Voicings for Teaching Singing

☑️ Sheet Music + Melody Reading

☑️ Pop and Musical Theatre Repertoire Song Accompaniment

☑️ Vocal Warm-up Exercise Patterns - standard, 1.5, advanced

☑️ Results-based offer, rather than a fixed number of sessions.


Singing Teacher (ROUND 2)

☑️ 121, Online - Zoom, WhatsApp video exchange or a smart combination of both

☑️ 60-minute sessions -to agreed result

☑️ Flexible schedule - book in when ready

☑️ Relaxed and friendly learning style

☑️ Rhythmic Patterns - pop ballad, driving Straight 8, Lyrical Song, Cinematic

☑️ Piano Technique, Sustain Pedal

☑️ Chords & Voicings for Teaching Singing

☑️ Sheet Music + Melody Reading

☑️ Pop and Musical Theatre Repertoire Song Accompaniment

☑️ Vocal Warm-up Exercise Patterns - standard, 1.5, advanced

☑️ Results-based offer, rather than a fixed number of sessions.



☑️ 121, Online - Zoom, WhatsApp video exchange or a smart combination of both

☑️ 60-minute sessions -to agreed result

☑️ Flexible schedule - book in when ready

☑️ Relaxed and friendly learning style

☑️ Rhythmic Patterns - pop ballad, driving Straight 8, Lyrical Song, Cinematic

☑️ Piano Technique, Sustain Pedal

☑️ Chords & Voicings for Teaching Singing

☑️ Sheet Music + Melody Reading

☑️ Pop and Musical Theatre Repertoire Song Accompaniment

☑️ Vocal Warm-up Exercise Patterns - standard, 1.5, advanced

☑️ Choir Vocal Warm-up Exercise Patterns

☑️ Directing the Choir from the Piano

☑️ Musical Director Score Reading

☑️ Writing Harmony Parts for Choir

☑️ Results-based offer, rather than a fixed number of sessions.


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Central LONDON In-person Lessons

If you just want a 1-off session, or your piano for singing needs are different.

☑️ 121

☑️ In person (Central London Studio) - behind Selfridges

☑️ Single, 4 Lesson and 10 Lesson Packages available

☑️ World Class pianos

from £85

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