The Magnificent Singer
BOOK 121
The Magnificent Singer
Make it Magnificent
BOOK 121
Piano Ideas for Your Singing Teaching
7 Questions
skills could help you provide a superior
singing lesson
Answer these
questions and find out whether improving your piano skills is a good idea or a bad idea.
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Q1. What singing teaching or vocal coaching do you do?
e.g. I teach children between 11-15 years old in a school, mostly pop and musical theatre songs. Or I coach professional singers building a career in Contemporary Classical.
Q2. What are your biggest challenges with the piano?
Tick any that apply
I can read notation and play to a fairly high standard, but I’m not sure how to use the piano to teach!
It takes too long to work up a song for accompanying my students
I have to use YouTube and tracks for my teaching MUCH more than I’d like
I’d love to tailor Vocal Warm-Ups to my students, instead of just playing the standard patterns.
I’m a good singing teacher but I feel I could offer more if my piano was at a higher level
Everything I play sounds clunky and just not very good!
I’ve tried to learn the piano in the past and given up
I can play a basic song accompaniment, but I'd love more rhythmic options
Beyond basic triads, chords are a mystery
I need to direct a choir by myself
Secretly, I feel like a bit of an imposter because there's this gap with my piano
Keeping going!
Something else (add below)
Q3. Could you play in a few styles from a chord chart?
Tick any that apply
I don't know what that means...
I can read chords but it never sounds that inspiring to sing over
Without the notation I am lost!
This is where I shine
Something else (add below)
Q4. How is your theory knowledge?
Tick any that apply
High level
I can just about find Middle C on the piano
I know a few chords and key centres
Very good - I SHOULD be able to transfer that to the piano but lost as to how
Something else (add below)
Q5. Have you had any piano training?
A little...
Tell us more about your piano training
Q6. How does your current piano level limit you?
For example: I'd love to direct a show or a choir but I hold back from applying. Or, I would be much more confident in marketing my studio and sharing what I do.
Q7. Wave that magic wand: where would you like to be with your piano in 30 days?
Tick any that apply
Reaching out for new students and/or applying for jobs
Being able to lead vocal warm ups from the piano
Being able to confidently lead rehearsals from the piano
Being able to accompany students in pop and musical theatre style songs
Helping students learn the melody
Just a feeling that I know what I'm doing!
Something else (add below)
Thank you!
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